
Feng Shui (fung-shway) is a 4,000-year- old Chinese science and art still highly relevant in today's modern society.

Feng Shui, in essence,  means "wind and water",  which is a broad subject of "unseen and seen" factors of life.

About 4,000 years ago there were no computers, clocks, or digital equipment that we enjoy today. But for some reason, the farmers knew exactly when to plant their crops and when to harvest them.  The fishermen knew when to fish by looking at the sky at night. The people even knew how to tell time by using a stick. 

As unbelievable as it seems at times, people have survived for thousands of years without technology at their immediate disposal. This is possible through a connection between nature and humanity. This connection still exists today. . . though people seem to do their best at times to ignore it. 

                                                The Nine Aspirations of Life:
1. Career
2. Knowledge/ Self- Cultivation
3. Family/ Health
4. Wealth/ Prosperity 
5. Fame/ Reputation
6. Love/ Marriage
7. Children/ Creativity
8. Helpful People/ Travel
9. Self care/ Meditation...YOU*

*YOU are the most integral part of your own aspirations because you will bring them into fruition!